Saturday, March 19, 2011

TAO Authentic Asian Cuisine & Lounge

WARNING: This's gonna be another food post that will make you drool, or die if you haven't eat your meal. You've been warned.

TAO is a 'order and serve' buffet, you can order whatever you want from the menu and they will serve you, and your limit is 4 hours. Which is quite enough and worth it.

 You can get your sushi at the buffet bar.

#1. Abalone (fake one)

#2. Asam Fish (if not mistaken, it was the top 10)

#3. Fried-Mantis shrimp

#4. Sashimi *Jus shouted: I want Simon I want Simon!* LOL

#5. Tempura

#6. Tako Yaki

#7. Scallop

#8. Grilled Salmon

#9. Fried shrimp with cheese? Not so sure though...

#10. Oyster

#11. Chawan Mushi

#12. Meatballs!

#13. Shark's fin soup

#14. Beef tepanyaki

#15. Watermelon dipped with chocolate(we made it ourselves)

#16. I've no idea what is this...

#17. Temaki Sushi

#18. Grilled mutton chops

#19. Caviar sushi

#20. ...

#21. Some... fish....

#22. Mint ice-cream dipped with chocolate

I love the deco it was so classy and Japanese/Chinese-ish style.

Saw this on the way to the wash room.

That's all for now, hope you all are still alive. Ciao~

Much love, Sophie

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pray for Japan, Pray for the world

昨天被兩個悲劇擊中,一是兩個同學在一起車禍中喪生,二是日本被8.9級地震和大海嘯襲擊... 整個心情跌到谷底. 哀悼過了我的同學,就到微博去看日本的最新消息.

我只能說,我佩服日本人的精神,可能你會說日本人已經習慣了所以他們才那麼鎮定,但是他們的素質真的不能否定. 地震後,飲料自動販賣機,7-11和一些商店立刻免費開放,為災民提供食物和飲料.他們可以這麼做是因為他們知道災民們不會搶,不會盜,不濫用,如果是在馬來西亞,所有人就一定會去搶,不顧及其他人,搶越多越好,反正都是免費的,這就是馬來西亞人民的心態.他們可以在馬路邊避難,現場沒有一個人抽菸,離開後沒有一點垃圾;如果是馬來西亞,只要有人的地方就會有垃圾,這就是他們和我們得差別,沒得比.

目前確定死傷人數已經上千人,沒有一個是被建築物壓死,幾乎都是被水淹死的... 做為渺小的人類,我只能為日本禱告,為這世界禱告...



這是我妹的 Jumbo sausage with mashed potato,很大盤,很好吃.

這是我的最愛, Fish Cordon Bleu. 從沒吃過那麼好吃的,其他家的不是美味道就是太硬,這家的恰到好處!
Tiramisu. 我嗜Tiramisu,吃過那麼多,這家真的是最好吃的了. 

好了不說了,這個post真的讓我越寫越餓. 下次見~


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It was a boring Wednesday, and my granduncle called, then my day had a blast. He asks us(my grandma, me, and my sis) if we wanna go to Thailand or not, so why not? I live so near to Thailand but I'd never went there before, like seriously? I felt ridiculous too, but maybe it's so near so I think I can go anytime. It's actually just the frontier of Thailand, like 5 minutes car ride after the customs. And we went there without passport. (we did bring but they didn't check, long story)

We went there to have our dinner at my granduncle's hotel, didn't took much photos caz we went shopping after we finish the third dish. They ordered ten dishes, crazy.

 Super awesome tomyum soup, like awesome awesome super awesome.

We reached there at about 6pm in Malaysia, but 5pm in Thailand, so don't have customer yet.

Saw this at the road side, looks yummy, but actually it's just normal.

Night market in Thailand, the things are super cheap!

After shopping we went back to the hotel, and granduncle thinks we haven't full yet so he ordered another two dishes for us.

Bad hair day, I know. I wanna try the Thai massage if we go there this early next time! Totally forgot about it until we finished our meal.

I think I will go to Thailand 23784658293 times with no seal on my passport. So cool.

xo, Sophie