Wednesday, December 18, 2013

181213 想法








你是有多疼了?= =


Friday, November 1, 2013

Gonna do my best

I admit I'm not a very good blogger. In fact, I'm the worst blogger, for not updating as regularly as a real blogger should be. I'm always having free time at home, apart from going out with my partner, or dinner date with my close friends. But I just can't spare out some time for my blog.

The reason I'm back now, is not because I have a sudden realization, is because I've started reading a book called The Happiness Project not long ago, and I went to the author's website and found my motivation to blog again. And it's not only I found the motivation to blog again, but motivation to live my life fuller and happier.

Blogging regularly is always one of the thing I wanted to do, but I just never keep up to my promise: I said I will update regularly and I just happened to disappear for a few months and come back for one post and then disappear again. That's not what I mean for update regularly. Now, I want to try my best to update my blog. Maybe once a week, or twice a week. I hope I can do it more often after I buy a new camera, because that's mean I will take more pictures and I'll have more pictures to upload.

So, today, the 1st of November, I will try my best to update my blog more often.

Till then. Sophie

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lebanese Delicacies | Tarbush & Updates

I said I was gonna update my blog more often and I neglected it again right after I said it.
I fail in blogging. Sorry I'm not sorry. lol

So... the reason of my MIA is partly because I was preparing for my final exams in May, and busying with my personal life, which is kinda a big change in my life and I'm not gonna talk about it now.

But I'm back! Hopefully for real this time. I have quite a lot of free time now since I've finished my exams and most of the time have nothing to do with my life, I think I'm gonna get back on track and BLOG!

So now I'm gonna blog about food as my comeback post, in this middle of the night, so I can make you people droll and I don't even care *evil laughs*

There's this Middle Eastern restaurant at Batu Ferringhi that serves Lebanese food, so we decided to give it a try.

The ambiance was really nice and since it's at Batu Ferringhi, we can go to the beach just right outside the restaurant and enjoy the sunset.

Our appertizer, the Arayes chicken

We were served with the traditional Lebanese bread to eat with our meal.

Kebab kash-kash, minced tender lamb serves with bed of tomato and onion sauce.

Shish Tawook, boneless chicken breast, grilled and serves with Tarbush garlic sauce.

Spicy Shish Tawook

Grilled spring chicken

Shish kebab

Mix grilled

Dessert, the Baklawa.

 And finally group photo. Ker Tyng, Jessica, HuiMin, JingHan, Iylia and mua.

 So, here it is, my first comeback post. Hope you guys enjoy it. Til' then.

-Love, Sophie

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Back in action

Well, it's been 9 months since I last updated. 
I think this is the longest gap I didn't update my blog since I started blogging.
So, hi to everyone who still constantly visiting my blog although I'm not updating.

I've been thinking to quit blogging for the passed few months, 
maybe just delete this account or just make it private.
But I thought, why? It's a place for me to share my thoughts when I've no one to talk to.
It's like a personal place for me to spill out everything, 
this was the main purpose when I started to blog.

So, I keep it.
And I want to blog again, more constantly I suppose. *finger crossed*

I've been growing so much in the passed few months,
my thoughts are so different than before.
I read back something I wrote and it's like reading another person's thought.
I couldn't believe that's what I wrote months before. 
It feels like I have split personality but it was really me who wrote it.

Many things happened. Many things have changed.
Some people come and go, some come and stay and will never leave.
I appreciate those who are willing to stay in my life, thank you.
And for those who left, thank you for making me grow and teach me lesson.

Time flies in a wink.
Couldn't accept it is already 19th of December.
It's 6 days till Christmas and it feels like I just celebrated last year's Christmas last week.
Time sometimes horrifies me. 

The photo above was me first time trying out curly hair, it was for the prom night of my college. 
Still looking good but a little bit more matured, don't you think?

I think that's all for now.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to everyone!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Hunger Games

I've recently finished reading the book one of The Hunger Games(for the movie's sake), in 1 day to be precised.
My friends told me not to read the book before the movie because the book is better, but meh, I don't afraid of spoilers now, lol.

There's Team Peeta and Team Gale going on in the internet(although some say that's not Twilight so we don't need team), but I personally LOVE Peeta Mellark more, after reading the first book, and watched the movie. I haven't start the second book yet so I may not know more about Gale, but for now, I'm all for Peeta.

I like how Josh Hutcherson cast for Peeta, because he's got the look of how I imagined Peeta would be. He looks so innocent, and cute, just Peeta. But for Katniss, I imagined she will be more tiny, and a little girly, just nothing like Jennifer Lawrence. Katniss was 16 years old in the book, but JL's look is nothing near 16(just my opinion).

The movie was amazing, but not as amazing as the book, obviously. There's a bunch of guys sitting next to me in the theater, when they saw how fast the effect was when Katniss apply the medicine on Peeta's leg, they were like "dafuq?! That's ridiculous! blah blah blah..." and I was like "dude, they're in the future. Can't they have advanced medical technology already?" Meh, I bet they never read the book. :x

I would rate the movie for 8/10, I know it's not easy to have put everything into the movie in 2 hours plus, but I still felt like the movie was going too rush... Everything was going too fast before we even realize it. But afterall, they're just my opinion.

So, have you seen the movie yet?


Monday, March 26, 2012

Tiny bits of my life

It's more than a month since I last updated my blog, I have some personal issue bothering me, controlling my emotion, making me sad sometimes, but I'm feeling so much better now and ready to back to my blogging routine!

We celebrated Angela's 1st birthday on the 1st of March, although her actual birthday was on March 8.

Cam-whore is a must have for me~

Claire and I was so into making our own breakfast every morning lately, and this is one of our hand-made breakfast, shrimp cheesy balls.

Hanged out with Momo almost everyday when she's having her 2 weeks off from college. This was one of our girls day out to Queensbay Mall. Was super tired before we went out but I had so much fun! Didn't take any picture because I forgot to bring my camera. This was credit to Momo. Oh my dark eye circles.

College finally started on 17th of March. There's only one day of classes for a week, so I still have a lot of free time on the week days. 

Momo, her sister and I had a little photo-shooting for Momo with her Lolita outfit on a sunny day at my house, which was super fun!

The wind was so strong I can't even take a proper photo of myself lol

On our way walking back to the house from the playground~

I can't believe March is almost over and April is coming sooo soon! It was like we just steps into 2012 yesterday and now it's almost four month after already! I just can't accept it. :(
I was kinda abandoned my books since I last finished the White Queen and the Red Queen, and now I have stuck to the book Shiver for months already. Urgh, need to get back to my reading routine now. 
And lastly, I really, really need to cheer up! Fighting!

So, there you go, my tiny bits of life in March. 
Will catch up with you very soon!

Loves, Sophie

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sisters' Day II

It's almost bed time for me but I think I should update my blog now, with some food post. :D
So, here it is.

It was a pretty morning of a random day, and Joe found a pack of Korean snacks out of no where. 
We ate it, and thought, what about having some Korean food for lunch? 
So we went to hunt for Korean food because of a pack of Korean snacks that suddenly appeared in the house.

We went to CheGo Korean BBQ Restaurant which's located in Aeon Mall

Our main reason to have Korean food was the fried rice cake, and we have no regrets having it!
It taste super good, and got us all addicted to it. 

Korean fried rice cake aka 떡볶이 = Yumminess

Mouth watering, isn't it?

Candid shot of Claire and I.

Now I feel like wanting some떡볶이.

xx, Sophie

Monday, February 6, 2012

Chinese New Year of you don't say~

Hey everyone! 
It's been awhile since I last updated my blog
But now I'm back!
Had a kinda hectic month back in January
And I hope February will treat me well too!

I went back to hometown on the day before CNY
And got into work right after we reached

Yearly tradition: 'knock'(?) ginkgo, and Bing found a twin one! *too easy*

After we done our chore, we went to hunt for fan's blade in the town, and of course we found one! *too easy x2*

We stole one of the fan from guys room and it couldn't fit in our room, so it just got abandoned. *too bad*

Brought some snacks and drinks on the way when we're hunting for the blade. *too easy x3*

Me and Nana with the gigantic yam plant beside the house. Huge, isn't it?

Me and Nana with our matching pouches.

We even have our own 'New Year Eve Thanksgiving Prayer' booklet for reunion dinner!

And the feast begins!

Children's table.

Parents' table.

At night, it's the time to knead the dough for TangYuan

But I got my job at the peeling eggshell section *too easy x4* (lol)

 And the most exciting part, our own home theater! We watched movie whenever we've nothing to do, so, we probably watch it for the whole day!

 The next day, out to church!


The Tans' girls outside the church, but left out MinYi and MinRou. :(

And what else girls would do in the car? Cam whore!
Nana x1

Nana x2

Nana x3

Nana and mua!

Mua x1 

Mua x2

Me munching on steamed bread. Om nom nom...

Our matching phones and pouches  

After church, we spent our day watching (horrible)Korean dramas and variety shows, the fun watching with whole bunch of people, priceless. :')

And finally, Lou Sang time and dinner!

We played fireworks after dinner, actually we're on something exciting...

 Jesus t  

I'm the 'e' (credits to Bing)

And the 'something exiting' goes to the surprise for Jasper's birthday celebration!
Choco pie cake! 

Happy Birthday Jasper!

I got back to Butterworth on the next day :(
We did a little adventure on hunting for 'pig rice rolls' (猪肠粉) which was fun
But I got super tired when I reached home so I didn't take any pictures after I'm back in Butterworth 

So there's my summary of my Chinese New Year of 2012 :D
Hope you enjoyed. 

xo, Sophie