Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nails of the week

I just got my nails painted yesterday and this time is this two colors of OPI's Touring America Collection For Fall/Winter 2011 for my fingers and toes nails.

First, for my finger nails, A-taupe the Space Needle. It's a greenish brown or brownish green color, just like it's name, taupe. I think this color is perfect for fall because it's brown but green, just like the color of fall. I don't usually like the color green but this is just perfect!

Secondly, is Get in the Expresso Lane. I got this on my toes because I think it's dark enough to just stay on my toes, not that I won't get them on my fingers but it just looks better on toes at this time. It is a super dark brown color with a hint of green, but the green is not really obvious as I can tell, but it's still great too!

I'm totally loving these two colors and I'm going to try out the rest of the collections color if I can!

'till then, Sophie

An ordinary day... NOT!

Hey fellows! As the title said, it suppose to be an ordinary day for me: exams, pick up Claire's birthday present, manicure and pedicure, dinner with Jus and go home. What an ordinary day. But an incident happened and here comes my 'unordinary' day.


Superb, right? I was going to drop Jus home after our dinner but it's traffic time so we used another route which I'm not familiar to, and when I was driving through a small lane, my car's right front wheel goes into the drain! I was like OMGHHKP WHAT'S WRONG WHAT'S GOING ON AM I GONNA DIE MY DAD'S GONNA KILL ME! And the next thing go through my mind was: my dad is not here(FYI, he's in Singapore) and who's going to save me now? I'm so helpless and tried to open the door but I can't! I screamed and Jus said: you didn't unlock your car... OMG I'm so silly. Then I unlock and go out to see how serious is my car. Ya my car's right front wheel is all in this drain.

After that there's an Indian guy came and said if I pay him 50 Ringgit and he will pull my car out. But luckily there's a bunch of young guys around and they tell us not to accept it because there's another car just did exactly the same as mine and s/he got pulled out without paying the RM50. When I rejected him and don't know what to do, an angel came! An uncle who's passing by says he will help me to get my car out and ask those young fellows to lend a hand too. I was so touched and couldn't believe there's really someone who're willing to help and asking nothing in return. We tried twice and finally get my car out from the drain, Jus and I couldn't have thank them more! I'm so overwhelmed by their kindness and thank God this wasn't happen in China!

My car was fine and I'm still in one piece. I'm so glad this's happen near the night market and not some small and horrible alley or I will totally freak out. Thank God.

Loves, Sophie

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Exams - Fighting!

Yeap, as the title said, it's my exams' month now and I've not been studying... Ya... I know I should but there's too much of distractions around me and I just can't focus on the books! English Legal System, Tort Law, Contract Law... They know me but I don't know them! Guys, please be nice with me and let me know more about you, will'ya?

Here's my current situation. Blurry, and confused...

I think I should go now. Wish me luck!

xo, Sophie

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I was chilling with my friends yesterday and a guy called and asked if I could accompany him to go to shop for some stuff for his trip. I told him I was with my friends so I declined him and said maybe next time will do. My friends thought when did I date a guy without them noticing and I said it was this guy blah blah blah and they got so high lol!

But that's not the point! The point is, he never finds me or go out with me or even met in almost 10 years although we're neighbor and knew each other since we're in primary school! We lost our contact since our last met when we're in primary school, but I just added him in Facebook as friend and that's when we got connected again.

After I declined him I asked him if he wanna join me and friends to chill and he did come, in 5 minutes. But he doesn't wanna come in to join me and friends after he reached. He just sat at the outdoor section and TEXTING with me. I even went out to ask him to join us but he refused to! Me and my friends were kinda pissed caz we think he should at least came in and say hi, right?! But he fcuking didn't! He said he's waiting for his friend and will join us after that but he didn't! Again! After that he just left without saying anything! What kind of guy is this? I thought he was a gentleman and nice but finally I've seen his real personalities!

PS: He's a Capricon too. But he's totally different from the one I loved before. I don't want to meet Capricon anymore! Love them and hate them! Ish..

Loves, Sophie

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Some updates and OPI collection

Sorry for my less consistency of blogging, I just either was busy or lazy or considered 'lifeless' for the past few weeks(so there's nothing to update). So here's an old photo of me, taken by Momo-chan.

For the past month I've been obsessed with nail polishes, apparently I always did but in the passed one month I bought so many nail polishes from OPI just to give myself some mani and pedicure when I am free. (I had a lot but none of them are from OPI)

The #1 colour I've bought is Tickle My France-Y. It's a purple-ish nude colour and I fell in love with it since the manicurist used it on my fingers for the first time! I still have it on my nails right now because I just love the colour so much. 

#2 is Heart Throb. It's very pinkish and bright, kinda like a bright and slightly baby pink colour. But you need to put at least three coats to make it looks a little more solid or it will be a little bit transparent, which is not so nice.

The #3 is one of my favourite, Suzi Loves Cowboys. It's just plain dark brown colour like the chocolate fondue, looks yummy. :D 

#4, I love Yokohama. It is a warm peach tone colour with fine glitter in it. It blends so well with my skin tone like a have really long fingers and no nails. lol

The #5 is Color so hot it Berns. It's OPI Swiss collection for fall in 2010 and it's a very bright hot red and I really LOVE it! It always makes my skin tone a tone fairer so it's my baby. ;P

#6, Princesses Rule. I love this colour so much and always had it on my nails for a few months last year but I thought it just not as pop up like the others. It's baby pink with fine glitter but it's not as solid too. 

The last but not least, Sweetheart by OPI. The milkiest pink I could ever found. It's the pink that always used to be french manicure pink. Love love love this colour although it doesn't go so well with my skin tone.

That's all for now, hope y'll liked it!

xo, Sophie