Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Car crash

Today I was all so excited to go watch Puss in Boots with Claire and Grace, but I was still very distracted from the Twilight's story I had recently got into. I was distracted all the way when I was driving, maybe not all because of Bella and Edward but I just can't focus on the road, and when I almost reach the destination, I thought I missed the turn to the parking lot so I glanced to the side mirror and then I crashed the car in front of me.

It was a Chinese young guy(again) I ran the crashed into, and he's very kind and patient to wait for my dad to come, and not rude at all, like scold us and all that, which I'm very, very glad. I couldn't imagine if the guy is replaced with a... maybe a mid-aged Malay guy or Indian guy, not that it's bad or what but probably we can't communicate with my poor Malay language.

The front of my car's totally destroyed, with just a number of 25 left on the car plate. His car's rear and bumper were sag and the trunk couldn't open at all. He thought we're going to claim for car insurance so he was taking pictures and stuff, and I just stood there and do nothing. After he's done we pulled our car to the side and wait for my dad. My dad came after 30 minutes and told the guy we're not claiming for insurance and will settle things up with just money, because if we claim the car insurance, first, there's too many procedure that need to go through; second, I might have to stick my [P] for another two years; and third, the car won't be done well with those car repair workers that work for the insurance company(something like that).

I was totally in shock but the guy is so kind, he tried to calm me down and asked if we're all right. I was totally fine but Claire got a blue black on her knee, which is still fine. I'm so grateful that no one was hurt, and my dad didn't scold me at all. Regret that I didn't take some pictures of the car so that I can post it at here. And something I should be happy about, I got to repaint my car! So, what color should I paint? Black, white, or light baby pink?

Update: Joe saw her friend liked this photo that posted by that guy on her Facebook so I go to steal it. What a small world~

Still alive, Sophie

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello everyone! How are you guys doing?
I'm currently having 4 months of holiday and am still slacking at home.
So, here's the question: Should I, or should not I find a job?

I was thinking of finding a job and earn some money, and not just slacking at home the whole day, or just spending the money
But if I go to work, I will have no time to spend with my friends and no time for shopping, movie and stuff!
And I hate going out on the weekends because it's always so crowded everywhere, so why should I earn when I have no time to spend?
Furthermore, my dad doesn't really agree for me to work, he wants me to maybe help out at home and he will pay me 'salary'.

At the other side, I want to earn some experience and learn something from working, it definitely will help when I graduate and interview for a job.
And the money I earn, I can't spend it but I can save it, right?
So I was thinking of finding a part time job that only works for half day, so I can go out on the other half day!
Brilliant right?

Although it won't earn much for a part time job, but a little is better than nothing, no?
Wish me luck!

Btw, it's Momo's birthday! Happy Birthday Momo! Love you always! 

xx, Sophie

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sisters' day

It's been so long since I last hang out with my sisters, so we went shopping and lunch yesterday and had some fun time! And of course we brought Angela-the cutie pie, along with us this time!

 Claire the little sis

Joe and Angela! Angela was all so hype and laughed all the way in the ferry!

Look how cute she is! 



You can spot Angela's bottom teeth in this pic! She's so cute! 

Cutie pie and her coming-out baby teeth 


Waiting for Joe and Angela @Chili's for lunch. 

Appetizer: Tostada chips & Salsa 

Joe's Firecracker Fish Fillet 

Mine, Crispy Honey-Chipotle Chicken Crispers 

 Claire's Monterey Chicken

The shops in the shopping mall had started to decorate in Christmas decoration and it's so festive, some of the shops even started to sell Christmas-ish packed product! It made me felt so happy to shop there or even just walk through the shops!

Promotion and sales are going to start everywhere and I can't to shop till drop! But first I need to find a job. Booyah D:

Oh yeah, my current nails color are Suzi Takes The Wheel by OPI Touring collection.

Loves, Sophie