Friday, November 1, 2013

Gonna do my best

I admit I'm not a very good blogger. In fact, I'm the worst blogger, for not updating as regularly as a real blogger should be. I'm always having free time at home, apart from going out with my partner, or dinner date with my close friends. But I just can't spare out some time for my blog.

The reason I'm back now, is not because I have a sudden realization, is because I've started reading a book called The Happiness Project not long ago, and I went to the author's website and found my motivation to blog again. And it's not only I found the motivation to blog again, but motivation to live my life fuller and happier.

Blogging regularly is always one of the thing I wanted to do, but I just never keep up to my promise: I said I will update regularly and I just happened to disappear for a few months and come back for one post and then disappear again. That's not what I mean for update regularly. Now, I want to try my best to update my blog. Maybe once a week, or twice a week. I hope I can do it more often after I buy a new camera, because that's mean I will take more pictures and I'll have more pictures to upload.

So, today, the 1st of November, I will try my best to update my blog more often.

Till then. Sophie

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